'걍 고(Just go)'에 해당되는 글 359건

  1. 2020.09.23 이유가 꼭 있어야 한다면...
  2. 2020.09.17 걍 고.
  3. 2020.07.21 July 21, 2020 (D+21)
  4. 2020.07.20 July 20, 2020 (Plan)
  5. 2020.07.19 July 19, 2020 (Self Check)

그냥 내가 재밌으니까.

거창하지 않아도 요즘 나의 관심사, 재미, 도전들을 일기처럼 끄적여보렵니다.

인터넷 서핑을 하다가 만난 동영상.




#대표이미지협찬: Nambasi (Thank you!) https://pixabay.com/users/nambasi-3485318/



'걍 고(Just go) > 흥미 (Interest)' 카테고리의 다른 글

폰 화면  (13) 2023.12.17
작심삼일째=작심일일(Feat. 개스토리)  (2) 2022.01.21
모기와의 전쟁  (0) 2020.09.24
Posted by 총,귤,쇠

걍 고.

걍 고(Just go) 2020. 9. 17. 20:02

성공은 자기관리에 달려있다.

자기관리는 나의 마음가짐에 달려있다.

쓰러져도 포기하지 않는 한 나는 끝내 성공한다.

나의 성공은 경제적 독립과 자유 그리고 모두를 위한, 건강하고 좋은 영향 뿌리고 다니기.


뜻이 있으면 길이 보인다


사진 출처: http://web.humoruniv.com/board/humor/read.html?table=sns&number=381946

쓰러지면 조금 쉬었다가 툭툭 털고 다시 일어나자. 그게 내 성공의 비결이 될 것이다.

걍 고.


'걍 고(Just go)' 카테고리의 다른 글

나와의 약속  (0) 2019.09.15
자세와 태도  (0) 2019.08.13
생각해보면 나는 (자작시, 2013.11.22)  (0) 2019.05.09
미소  (0) 2019.05.09
Posted by 총,귤,쇠

<Travel 100-day book, D+21>

Morning: Reading 1~100

Afternoon: Practice 1~40

Evening: Bike, Shadowing


Think and act like I'm already the person who I wanna be.



여행영어 100일의 기적




'걍 고(Just go) > 영어 (English)' 카테고리의 다른 글

Idea  (0) 2020.09.29
VIGTREE(빅트리)  (0) 2020.09.28
July 20, 2020 (Plan)  (0) 2020.07.20
July 19, 2020 (Self Check)  (0) 2020.07.19
July 18, 2020 (Strange 1, 2, 3)  (0) 2020.07.18
Posted by 총,귤,쇠

<Travel 100-day book, D+20>

Practice 1~35


1. Travel 100-day book

여행영어 100일의 기적

I'll finish studying this book in 2 weeks. (August 2nd, 2020)



해커스 토익 기출 보카 (Vocabulary)

I'm going to memorize this book. (I failed to study until the end every time)

I think all of the words in the book are basic and essential course to improve my English.

My goal is to get score 990. (The exam date is Sunday, September 13, 2020)

My best score was 875 about 3 years ago.


The reason why I say these things publicly is to promise and achieve goals for myself.

No excuse.


I promised to my parents that I am going to study until September and get a job from October.

I have to find a way to earn some money from October.

I thought that it will be hard to get a chance to study what I want to do like this for a long time if I get a job again.


Money is important to live and I have to get a job.

Getting a job is not easy.

However, I will do what I want to do, and money will follow me itself.


Some friends of mine tell me that just get a job quickly. Well, they might be right.

If life is a marathon, I don't have to be the first man among 6 billion population.

I want to enjoy running itself.

That's why I study English.

I'm interested in many things and English is one of them.

I thought it will helpful in the future.

Definitely, it was helpful getting jobs.


The most important thing is that we don't know when we die.

I am going to die after living a self-reliant life.



Sound of mind.

Dua Lipa - Don't Start Now (Official Music Video)

Good night~*


'걍 고(Just go) > 영어 (English)' 카테고리의 다른 글

VIGTREE(빅트리)  (0) 2020.09.28
July 21, 2020 (D+21)  (0) 2020.07.21
July 19, 2020 (Self Check)  (0) 2020.07.19
July 18, 2020 (Strange 1, 2, 3)  (0) 2020.07.18
July 17, 2020 (Night View)  (0) 2020.07.17
Posted by 총,귤,쇠

<Travel 100-day book, D+19>

Practice 1~30


I'm following the way of the below book quite well until now.

June 22, 2020 (Self Check)

Morning: Speaking practice unit 1~35 Afternoon: Speaking practice unit 36~60 Evening: Read a book, Diary Sometimes I read this book again to check myself. I memorized all the contents of the 100-da..


At that time, I studied 100-day book.


These days, I study English with this book.


Travel 100-day book (여행영어 100일의 기적 - 문성현 / 넥서스)


This book is easier than 100-day book because there are a lot of expressions that we've already heard many times.

I tried to memorize perfectly each day.

Of course, I should try to make it perfect but sometimes my condition is not good.

Then, it is better reading and going to the next part than getting stressed out because of an obsession to memorize one sentence.

I think I need to study wider range and remind often.


<The best way>

1st day - unit 1~5 / 2nd day - unit 1~10 / 3rd day - unit 1~15 / 4th day - unit 1~20 (Fast progress)

<The second best plan>

1st day - unit 1~3 / 2nd day - unit 1~6 / 3rd day - unit 1~9 / 4th day - unit 4~12 (Reviewing 3 times is the point)


For workers, studying unit 1 for a day is a proper method.

Since the worker's priority is working, he should make time to think about English as possible.

If possible, however, workers who want to improve English speaking ability, should try to study a bit more than before.


Anyway, the point is that I should follow the basic.

Read a lot / Speak a lot / Listen a lot / Write a lot


I study with this order. (※ Speak or murmur every time)

1. Read (Understand)

2. Memorize using the associative method. (Imagine)

3. Repeat until my mouth is accustomed to speaking it. (memorize)


Although I can't remember all of the sentences in a day, my brain, thankfully, remember them in a few days later.

Sometimes when I have a meal, suddenly I'm speaking a sentence which is no relationship with the situation. 

My brain is working hard. Good boy.

I believe my brain.


Today as usual, I will give him a compensation.

Let's get a good rest and go to bed early.

I think I'm very nice.

5분 호흡명상 - 뇌를 위한 최고의 휴식법 (스트레스 해소, 뇌 피로회복)

Tomorrow, we have to study unit 1~35.

Excited! aren't we!?


Good night and sweet English dream~*



'걍 고(Just go) > 영어 (English)' 카테고리의 다른 글

July 21, 2020 (D+21)  (0) 2020.07.21
July 20, 2020 (Plan)  (0) 2020.07.20
July 18, 2020 (Strange 1, 2, 3)  (0) 2020.07.18
July 17, 2020 (Night View)  (0) 2020.07.17
July 16, 2020 (Peace)  (0) 2020.07.16
Posted by 총,귤,쇠