Let's write an English diary or writing for my English ability to improve. I'd better write it before sleeping for the arrangement of my memories. Also, this time is the most comfortable to me. I'n not sure all my writings are correct gramatically or not. I need to write in habits, however, before I check everything. The reason is that I would lose interesting in writing if I have to be always perfect.
For the reason, I make a habit to write English writing every day.

Today was the day of the national college entrance exam. Well done guys. You did great though the result was not so satisfied. Let's begin new life. I hope we could make the good world as living together in the Earth ship.

Tomorrow my blah...blah... restarts
Good night.

'걍 고(Just go) > 영어 (English)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 총,귤,쇠