걍 고(Just go)/영어 (English)

July 5, 2020 (Picture Diary)

총,귤,쇠 2020. 7. 5. 23:00

<Travel 100-day, D+5>



Yesterday, I made a picture diary.

I read a writing about a picture diary in this blog and I wanted to try.


우리는 모두 호모픽토르

요즘 제가 흠뻑 빠져있는 것이 있는데요. 드라마보다 중독성이 강하고 쇼핑보다 몇 배는 더 재밌는 것입니다. 바로 그림 그리기에요. 엄밀히 말하자면 디지털 드로잉에 푹 빠져있습니다. 매일 ��


It was interesting.



Saturday picture diary (Yesterday)


After studying(The last picture), I rode a bike to Sejong city.

It took about an hour and half from Daejeon to Sejong.

When I was coming back, I almost died.

I was very tired but I was able to understand why cyclists and amateur riders enjoy riding.

I felt fresh, and I wanted to ride more like addicted to riding.


From last night to tonight? Duh...


Very very thankfully, I have good friends and a lovely family.

I want to hear this song tonight.

코리아나 - '손에 손잡고' (1988) | Koreana- 'Hand In Hand' (1988 서울올림픽)'

Though I can't remember, I may have watched 1988 Seoul Olympic at that time.

I believe my mother opened my eyes with her fingers to make me see it.


We have to stay away now but let's hold hands when the nasty Covid-19 goes to hell.

Have a good night~*
